Tackling Common Issues Through Learning Partnerships –
The EU-China NGO Twinning Exchange program Agenda
On October 17th the Chinese and European exchange fellows of this year’s first round of NGO Twinning will introduce their organizations and common work focus. They will also present the results of their cooperation and reflect on the impact of exchanges.
The EU-China NGO Twinning program is a newly established exchange program for the staff of European and Chinese NGOs. In the context of this project, European and Chinese NGOs working on similar thematic focuses will be paired up as “twinning-partners”. Exchange fellows recruited from the staff of these organizations are given the opportunity to do a work-and-study stage for 4-8 weeks in their partner organization in the respective other region.
With this program the Stiftung Asienhaus, supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung aims at establishing sustainable partnerships and cooperation between non-governmental or non-profit organizations and think tanks from both regions.
Thursday, October 17th, 9:30 – 12:30
Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin
We would be happy to welcome you to this event!