The EU-China NGO Twinning Program
The EU-China NGO Twinning program is an exchange program for the staff of European and Chinese NGOs.
By bringing European and Chinese NGOs together we encourage NGO partnerships and improve understanding of how civil society looks at the topics they are engaged with in different parts of the world.
Each year, the Robert Bosch Stiftung together with Stiftung Mercator will award grants for 12 Chinese and 12 European NGOs to take part in this unique exchange experience.
The program is organized by Stiftung Asienhaus in cooperation with Climate Action Network Europe and the China Association for NGO Cooperation.
Twinning Partners
In the context of the program 12 Chinese and 12 European NGOs working on similar topics will be paired up as bilateral Twinning partners – either by joint application of two organizations or after being connected to a suitable partner organization through the application process.
The program foresees that each twinning-partnership designs a joint project for specific collaboration.
Job-Shadowing in Partner Organization
One staff member of each participating organization is given the opportunity to spend a four to eight weeks placement in their partner organization in the respective other region.
The participants of one region (Europe/China) will spend their exchange period in the approximately time slot to enable on-arrival workshops. Please view the schedule below for more information.
Expenses related to the exchange will be covered by a grant awarded to the participants.
Additional workshops and networking
During the exchange period two workshops (one in China and one in Europe) are offered, where all participants come together to network and discuss their projects and experiences.
The workshops are also used to provide input from local experts on topical issues, intercultural communication and civil society in both regions.