Chen Yu from the Yunnanese NGO Green Watershed has started her exchange with BothENDS in Amsterdam in the beginning of September. The twinning aims at increasing the understanding of Green Credit policies’ effectiveness in Europe and China, and offers the opportunity to reflect on the safeguards and green credit policies and how they might be improved.
Since the beginning of the exchange, Chen Yu has been involved in a lot of activities. She held a presentation about China green law and policy for her BothENDS colleagues, comparing Chinese policy and the World Bank safeguards and also attended a meeting with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials on the same topic.
The most important event thus far, was an EuroIFInet meeting that the twinners attended together in Pristina, Kosovo on 13th of September. Their jointly held a presentation aimed at introducing Chinese law and policies with a particular focus on green overseas investment, operation of Chinese actors, and success and failure of Chinese NGOs using law and policy to promote transparency in the field of green finance.