Dear colleagues and friends,

on behalf of the Stiftung Asienhaus and Climate Action Network Europe we would like to invite you to the following workshop:

Berlin: How to Collaborate on climate change, social and environmental justice. EU-China NGO Twinning Exchange Capacity Building and Reflection Workshop 2016

Date: 02.11.2016    Time:  09:00 – 16:00

Location: Haus der Deutschen Stiftungen, Mauerstr. 93, Berlin, Germany

Topics: EU Legislation and TTIP Negotiations – Nelly Grotefendt, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (FUE) , Anti-Coal Campaigning on a European Level
Elena Bixel, Climate Action Network Europe and others (see attach)

Date: 03.11.2016    Time:  09:00 – 16:15
Location: Mercator Repräsentanz, Neue Promenade 6, Berlin Germany

Topics:  Circular Economy, Environmental Litigation, Social Integration …..How do civil society organizations campaign in Europe, how can it be compared to campaigning in China’s restricted media landscape? What did the new law that allows environmental NGOs in China to sue polluters really change during the last year? What can German and European EIL NGOs learn from Chinese cases?

We will receive insights on various ideas for sustainable lifestyle campaigns like circular economy models in China and Europe as well as new laws for low carbon solutions. The topics will be discussed with the participants of this year’s Twinning ( and representatives of other NGOs, foundations as well as academics.

We would be happy to welcome you to this event!
Please register with

You can find the agenda here

Dr. Nora Sausmikat, Joanna Klabisch
Stiftung Asienhaus, China Program