Anhui Hefei Qingwei Health Center (Anhui)
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. (Germany)
HIV prevention and control, focused on young people
The focus of their exchange lies on learning new approaches, aims and projects in the field of HIV-prevention and control. In China, AIDS infections are in a stage of growth, especially among gay people. From a perspective of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe the exploration of pre-exposition prophylaxes (PrEP) is of special interest, as the strategy is way more common in China as in Germany.
About the Twinning organizations

Anhui Hefei Qingwei Health Center, (Anhui)
Anhui Hefei Qingwei Health Center is a community organization based on LGBT individuals. It is the oldest and the only officially registered commonweal organization for LGBT community in Anhui province. Qingwei devotes to STI/AIDS prevention via carrying out preventive education, HIV testing promotion and volunteer training for gay people. Besides, it has carried out multiple scientific research projects cooperating with other scientific research institutions.

Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V., (Germany)
Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. is an umbrella organisation for about 20 regional Aids organisations in Germany. Their goal is to ensure that society as a whole as well as each individual is able to handle the risks of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted and drug-related infections in an informed, self-determined and responsible way. Offering primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention forms one unit in their work: preventing HIV transmission, promoting the health of people infected so that they do not become ill, and sustaining the quality of life for people who are ill.