2015 “Climate Change” Twinning Reports

Rock Environment and Energy Institute (Beijing) & Change Partnership (Belgium)

Sanjeev Kumar, Change Partnership

Lin Jiaqiao, REEI

Sanjeev Kumar (Change Partnership)

Sanjeev Kumar (Change Partnership)

Lin Jiaqiao (Rock Environment and Energy Institute)

Lin Jiaqiao (Rock Environment and Energy Institute)

REEI and Change Partnership  collaborated on outlining the impact of climate and energy measures on industrial policy in China and Europe, and in particular, how cities and regions manage the transition to low-carbon models.Twinning Report REEI & Change Partnership (English and Chinese)


The Innovative Green Development Program (iGDP) (Beijing) &

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Germany)

Thorben Jensen, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

Dai Chunyan iGDP

Thorben Jensen (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) and Dai Chunyan (The Innovative Green Development Program (iGDP))

Thorben Jensen (Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy) and Dai Chunyan (The Innovative Green Development Program (iGDP))

iGDP and Wuppertal Institute focused on the design of policies towards low-carbon development, the energy efficiency in the built environment and utilization of renewable energy, and the policies that support achieving these aims as well as their design through use of quantitative modeling.Twinning Report iGDP & Wuppertal Institute (English and Chinese)



China Youth Climate Acton Network (Beijing)  & BUNDjugend Berlin (Germany)

Rebecca Freitag, BUNDjungend

Zheng Xiaowen, CYCAN

Rebecca Freitag (BUNDjugend Berlin) and Zheng  Xiaowen (China Youth Climate Acton Network)

Rebecca Freitag (BUNDjugend Berlin) and Zheng Xiaowen (China Youth Climate Acton Network)

China Youth Climate Action Network and BUNDjugend Berlin shared methods and tools about youth development and participation on climate change issues. The goal was to motivate young people to live a more sustainable life and spread the message of climate change.Twinnng Report BUNDjugend & CYCAN


Hangzhou Eco-Culture Association and Legambiente Direzione Nazionale

Katiuscia Eroe, Legambiente

Wang Lin, Green Zhejiang

Katiuscia Eroe (Legambiente) and Wang Ling (Green Zhejiang)

Katiuscia Eroe (Legambiente) and Wang Ling (Green Zhejiang)

Hangzhou Eco-Culture Association and Legambiente Direzione Nazionale shared knowledge and experiences on climate change, forming national and international strategies that aim at reducing greenhouse gas emission after 2030. By brainstorming on topics such as energy innovation, development of renewable sources, recycling and waste management and other contemporary environmental issues, the associations enhanced their practical experience and expertise on environmental protection.Twinning Report Legambiente & Green Zhejiang


Plant-for-the-Planet & Beijing Envirofriends

Kjell Kühne, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation

Zhang Di, Beijing Envirofriends

Kjell Kühne (Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation) and Zhang Di (Beijing Envirofriends)

Kjell Kühne (Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation) and Zhang Di (Beijing Envirofriends)

EnviroFriends and Plant-for-the-Planet focused on climate change education. They aimed at empowering primary and second school students to become Climate Justice Ambassadors. As such, the students were motivated to exercise one action for climate justice every month – e.g. planting a tree.