Coshare Environment (Taiyuan)

Grüne Liga (Germany)

Water sustainability and environmental education

With a common goal to abate the pressure of river ecology efficientely and promote water sustainability, both organizations would like to contribute to this goal collaboratively and develop a program to facilate future cooperation on it from both areas. During the exchange, two organizations would like to foucs on building an effective model or develop a program to promote river and water protection. We would communicate on “Fen River Partner Plan” and the adoption the format of River Film Festival for river protection work in China. We would plan to hold River Film Festival in the future and the EU exchange organization GRÜNE LIGA e.V. would join the program of “Fen River Partner Program” as a long time partner and advisor.

About the Twinning organizations

Coshare Environment, (Taiyuan)

Founded in January 2017, Coshare Environment is a Non-profit organization committed to promoting the development of sustainable society by sharing and spreading the knowledge and information of sustainable actions as well as innovative measures. In order to facilitate this commitment, Coshare are underpined by four departments as Consulting Center for Industrial Sustainable Development, Research center for sustainable development, resources sharing Plattorm as well as Environment Education academy, with 15-odds full-time staff and professional advisors worldwide.

Grüne Liga, (Germany)

GRÜNE LIGA (Green League) was founded as a network of environmental grass-roots organizations in East Germany in March 1990 – shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall, and half a year before the reunification of the country. The members of our network work on a variety of environmental topics like urban gardening, coal mining, organic market and sustainable development. GRÜNE LIGA is a leading environmental NGO in the field of water policy in Germany. The Elbe river basin, which is shared by four nations and ten federal German states, is a regional focus of our work. The Water Policy Office has observer status in the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe River (IKSE). GRÜNE LIGA Head office has 3 persons regular staff; Berlin office has about 20 persons staff. There are some small offices in other cities of Germany (Weimar, Dresden, Potsdam).