Twinning Blog
German AIDS-Hilfe and Anhui Hefei Qingwei Health Center
This year's twinner Werner Bock has joined his Twinning partner Gao Pan in Hefei. In his Blog he keeps track of the cultural differences and commonalities he encounters. Everyday adventures and most importantly the way Chinese NGOs deal with HIV. A still very...
Diary Entry: Kirsten at the AIFEN office meeting
Kirsten Reinders from Cologne has been staying in Shanghai since the beginning of August. Together with her Chinese twinning partners from 'Dinghaiqiao' and AIFEN she discusses waste reduction and waste separation, comparing Chinese and German strategies. Kirsten's...
Theater and LGBT Workshop in Chengdu
Our twinner from the Netherlands, Els Schutmann (Forum Theater Enschede) only got to China recently - and already co-organized a workshop together with her Chinese partner Qian Li (Chengdu Storyteller). Alongside the participants of the workshop, most of whom work...
Full Twinning Report 2017
The 2017 twinner exchange was a small anniversary: it was already the fifth round of the program. The report "2017 EU-China Twinning: Partnerships between European and Chinese NGOs" illustrates the outcomes, challenges and lessons last year's exchange taught. It...
Twinner Arianna Americo publishing about the “One Belt one Road” initiative
Following her twinning in 2017 Arianna Americo published an article on the topic of 'China's "Ecological Civilization" and the Belt and Road Initiative'. The potential role the BRI might play in meeting the 1.5degree target of the Paris Agreement and the social as...
Second Follow up by Twinners Antoaneta and Zhilu!
Heretofore unheard of, a twinning pair decided to organize a follow up to their follow up. Antoaneta Pophlebarova from Balkan Kids Bulgaria and Yao Zhilu formerly of Lingnan Partner Community Centre, who twinned in 2016 and did a follow up in 2017, continued their...
Press Release – 2018 EU-China NGO Twinning: Selection of 24 NGOs
Cologne – On 10th of May, a selection committee selected twelve European NGOs and their corresponding Chinese partners for the upcoming EU-China NGO Twinning Exchange 2018. The yearly program aims at the development of sustainable partnerships between European and...
Founder of a Twinning alumni organization receives Federal Cross of Merit
Last Tuesday Felix Fixbeiner, founder of the youth environmental initiative "Plant for the Planet", was presented with the German Federal Cross of Merit. “Planet for the Planet” focuses on climate policy engagement of children and adolescents by planting trees....
Twinning selection committee meets tomorrow, May 10
Tomorrow, the selection committee is going to handpick each 7 social justice and 5 climate change NGO twinning pairs for our program. This year, the jury will again discuss many exciting and fruitful projects from different kinds of subject areas. An interesting...
2017 TWINNERS Anja (WWF Germany) and Vivian (HK Bird Watching Society) told all about their experience
VIVIAN AND ANJA KEEP ON INSPIRING US! Have a look at this article about their Twinning and let yourself be caught up in their enthusiasm: EAAFP Secretariat with Vivian Fu and Anja Szczesinski: Last year, representatives from WWF Germany Wadden Sea office and the Hong...
Due to many interested organizations applying as singles, we are extending the Joint Application Deadline to May 6th. This way we have more time to support interested potential twinners in their search for a partner organization. Currently we are already looking for...
STARTING NOW: Call For Applications EU-China Twinning Program 2018
The EU-China Twinning Program is starting it's sixth round. We are looking for staff of NGOs, Think Tanks and Social Enterprises operating in the fields of social and environmental justice as well as climate change and low carbon development. If you are working on...
SAVE THE DATE: 2018 EU-China NGO Twinning
Does China matter to your work? Or do you know somebody to whom it does? Would you like to experience first hand how NGOs on the other side of the world achieve their goals? Are you interested in collaborating on a topic of joint interest with Chinese colleagues? The...
C20 Final Report – June 2017 throwback
The final report on the 2017 - C20 process under German presidency in Hamburg has been published. Through the connections Stiftung Asienhaus has been able to form by participating in several of the C20 working groups, the 2017 Twinners were invited for the two day...
Guangzhou Twinner & Alumni meet-up
An interesting development in 2017’s Twinning project was a certain cluster of participants that had formed in southern China, specifically Guangzhou. Therefore it was no real surprise that a semi-spontaneous meet-up was organized in the Guangdong metropolis....
Forum Theatre for Social Change – an article on IAPS Dialogue
Yao Zhilu and Antoaneta Pophlebarova write about their experiences they made at the Forum Theatre for Social Change, a project supported by Stiftung Asienhaus as a follow-up activity of the 2016 EU-China NGO Twinning Programme....
Environmental Public Interest Litigation – an article on IAPS Dialogue
Alba Iranzo Dosdad and Carlota Ruiz-Bautista, environmental lawyers at the International Institute for law & the environment in Madrid, recently published an article on IAPS Dialogue about Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China compared to the EU,...
Must read – NGO-Partnerschaften in China
Das Medienbüro Düsseldorf Beijing berichtet in seinem Newsletter über den Jahresbericht 2016 unseres NGO Twinning Programms.
The EU-China Twinning Programme Explained on IAPS Dialogue
The IAPS Diaologue posted an article about our EU-China Twinning Programme written by Nora Sausmikat and Joanna Klabisch. The article reports on the current trend of "shrinking spaces" for the civil society not only in China, but worldwide, and briefly explains our...
International Expert Workshop
From 15 to 16 September 2016 the Ministry of Environment of Republic of Korea (ROK) holds a Workshop on "Toward the Establishment of the UNESCO Global Center for Research and Training on Internationally Designated Areas". Round about 50 persons discussed core topics...